Positive Change Hypnotherapy – Free yourself

Hypnotherapy Bedtime Story for Kids (hyperactivity)


Well done for taking steps to improve your child’s well being. This bedtime story can be for children of all ages (even adults!) who find it difficult to slow down, but perhaps most aimed at 3-10 year olds.


Well done for taking steps to improve your child’s well being. This bedtime story can be for children of all ages (even adults!) who find it difficult to slow down, but perhaps most aimed at 3-10 year olds.

It is a twist on the familiar tale of the Tortoise and the Hare. Combining hypnotherapy techniques, positive suggestions with old fashioned story telling, this bedtime story is fantastic at calming youngsters after busy days and highlighting the importance of slowing down and having a clear mind. It also boosts self esteem, emphasising that every individual has unique talents, the importance of never giving up, having persistence in doing the work and by hearing the underdog magnanimously win the race.

This story is ideally listened to at bedtime, utilising the relaxed state of the child to suggest beneficial messages, and with repetition, these messages just get stronger and stronger. Repetition is the key to success, so please listen regularly, especially at first, to reinforce the suggestions contained within.

Not for use while the parents/carers are driving!